11 Jul 2012

Flowerfree and her Grandma (Oumi)

I suppose when most people think about their mother-in-law their first thought aren't a positive one.

I must say that I am blessed with a very special mother-in-law and amazing grandmother for my two daughters, especially Flowerfree.

Evidence of this was yet again seen a week ago when she visited her grandma (or Oumi as she calls her) for almost a fortnight. I didn't hear anything from them for almost a week, so by the 5th day I emailed Oumi asking how it was going there. She replied with a few words and the following photos:

Flowerfree painting.
Helping Oumi fill containers with sugar and oats.
Getting all the 'shine'.
Flowerfree found Oumi's jewelry case and decorated herself accordingly.
All dressed up to play outside. 
Shopping with Oumi at the "pumpkin"-store.
What is nicer than having some tea and biscuits in our room?
- almost like room service
As you can see, someone was having a REAL good time! And when I saw the photos I realised why Flowerfree LOVED visiting her grandma: except for the obvious (after all it is her grandmother!).

Both Flowerfree and her grandma have the same love for art and CREATING things! My MIL (mother-in-law) has the most wonderful talents - painting, pottery, crafts, needlework... the list goes on. 
Creating something out of nothing comes as second nature to her and she is constantly busy making 'MacGuyver-plans' for every problem in and around the house.

Then there is Flowerfree who also LOVES creating. Any and all types of creating - crafts, building things, drawing and painting, dressing up, decorating, exhibiting, the list goes on... 
Just look at this table exhibition she made and how she decorated the shelves in her room:

Btw: I will HAVE to do another post on these exhibitions of Flowerfree. She's been making them since she's 18months old and some are just unbelievable! We've been taking photos of them to have some evidence before having to break up and pack everything away again.

I must admit, this is a true unique talent she has.

A house that Flowerfree and Oumi built and decorated.

Please share if your child also has some unique thing they do or talent they have!

So if you don't have the best experiences with your MIL, perhaps the solution is finding a common interest for you both or at least between her and your child. You might be surprised at the result.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. – Colossians 3:23-24
Have a great week!
Mrs. Z